"Music is what feelings sound like"

Thursday, February 12, 2015


Information Found on The New York Times : Young Innocence? Been There, Done That

Caramanica, J. (2013, July 24). Young innocence? Been there, done that. Retrieved February12, 2015, from The New York Times website: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/07/25/arts/music/the-diverging-musical-paths-of-selena-gomez-and-miley-cyrus.html?_r=0

The New York Times is “ An internationally recognized daily newspaper founded in 1851 and distributed throughout the United States. The paper is owned by The New York Times Company and is published in New York City, NY.” (BusinessDictionary.com)

Important Quotes:

Teen stardom is about being special: one kid’s talent and dreams standing in for millions.
**This is a very general description of "teen stardom". Yes the young adults that become famous is due to talent partially, but there are many other aspects in teen talent.

It’s a statement of young-woman independence from someone choked in her own youth not only by Disney fame, but also by being the child of a celebrity.
**This is a bold statement, kind of alluding to the fact that all young Disney stars have trouble transferring into an older demographic. Coming from the Disney channel and trying to transfer into a performer that now attracts an older demographic while keeping the younger fans is something that I can imagine is really hard to do. Many decisions are made, along with many sacrifices. In the article written in The New York Times, Miley Cyrus and Selena Gomez are compared during their transformation into adulthood stardom. On one hand, you have Miley Cyrus who has become an extremist. She broke out of her Disney shell directly following the end of her contract with the Disney Channel. Instead of creating uplifting music, like in her younger years, Miley went for a much more extreme approach, singing about drugs, and alcohol, and partying. The problem with her transition was that all it did was show the general public that she was not as mature as she wanted people to believe.
On the other hand, you have Selena Gomez. She chose a different path while becoming an artist for an older demographic. In my opinion, she did it well. She chose to gradually make her music and music videos more mature, writing about real world experiences rather than partying her days away. Selena's approach proved to audiences around the world that she was mature enough to make a proper decision in her transition.
Although both artists chose different paths of transformation, it is all based on opinion of who did it better. And, only time will be able to tell....

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that it must be hard for actors that are trying to leave their Disney Channel "image" behind to start a new path. They have to deal with much negativity and they're compared to others, like Miley and Selena. I don't necessarily agree that Miley became an extremist because I think that she knows how to gain attention from the media and profit off of that.
