"Music is what feelings sound like"

Friday, December 5, 2014

Information found on Artists House Music : Music & Corporate Advertising: New Perspectives
Atkinson, B. T. (2007, June 27). New perspectives. Retrieved December 5, 2014, from Artists House   Music website: http://www.artistshousemusic.org/articles/
Artists House Music is a website that provides informational media pieces in order to help musicians and music entrepreneurs create sustainable careers.  The website provides various media pieces from short videos to articles that provide information all about music involving advertising, retail/ distribution, touring, etc. In this particular article perspectives of music advertising is shared.

Important Quotes:

“As long as I’m not doing something for a cause that I don’t believe in or expressing a viewpoint that I don’t believe in, I don’t think it’s selling out,” folk-rocker Citizen Cope says.”
** Speaking on the aspects of doing music not only for you and for you to make money, but also with the goal to help others. This is a good advertising and imaging method.

“It’s actually kind of corny to be on radio now.”
** Being an article from 2007, some aspects have changed. Now, having even one song on the radio can make someone world-renowned.

Music advertising focuses on many different aspects of the music industry. This step in the industry brings together the distribution and production process and adds the marketing strategies to it. In order to distribute music, it must first be produced, obviously. Same goes for the relationship between distribution and marketing.
If someone were to just begin to sell a song on iTunes without any advertising, it would be very easy to conclude that the song would not sell too many copies. However, when a song is posted on iTunes with much hype brought up about it before, and the artists uses various forms of advertising leading up to the songs release date, many more copies will sell.
Some things you can do in order to create a larger grouping of people who are willing and able to buy your music are:

  1. Build a fan-base of at least 100 people: Building a fan-base all has to do with marketing and advertising yourself. With a larger fan-base more people are waiting for new material and will be excited and willing to jump on the opportunity to get new music of yours.
  2. Create a fan page on Facebook and interact with your fans: Many artists create a fan page but don’t do anything with it. The trick is to interact with your fans and share photos from performances, music release dates, and performance videos to keep them constantly interested and interacting.
  3. Create promotional material: Also carry business cards or postcards that show who you are and where you can be found on social media so that you can constantly be making new fans.

1 comment:

  1. Please fix formatting on your posts. The highlighting does not look professional.
